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secondary wall中文是什么意思

用"secondary wall"造句"secondary wall"怎么读"secondary wall" in a sentence


  • 次级细胞壁
  • 次生壁
  • 次生细胞壁
  • 后生壁 当细胞增大至极大时,细胞内壁立即加厚,而于细胞内腔形成新细胞壁共有三层,后生壁之主要成分为纤维素及半纤维素,并含少量之木质素
  • "secondary"中文翻译    adj. 1.第二(位)的,第二次的;中级的 (opp. ...
  • "wall"中文翻译    wall2 演戏般转动(眼睛)。
  • "outer layer of secondary wall" 中文翻译 :    次生壁外层
  • "pitted secondary wall" 中文翻译 :    纹孔次生壁
  • "secondary cell wall" 中文翻译 :    次生壁; 次生细胞壁; 次细胞壁
  • "secondary closure of abdominal wall" 中文翻译 :    腹壁二期闭合术
  • "secondary suture of abdominal wall" 中文翻译 :    腹壁后期缝术
  • "straited secondary wall" 中文翻译 :    条纹次生壁
  • "stratified secondary wall" 中文翻译 :    层化次生壁
  • "striated secondary wall" 中文翻译 :    条纹次生壁
  • "be secondary to" 中文翻译 :    居于其次
  • "secondary" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.第二(位)的,第二次的;中级的 (opp. primary)。 2.副(的);从属的;附属的;辅助的;补充的;次要的;次等的;代理的。 3.【医学】继发(性)的,第二期的。 4.【地质学;地理学】中世代的;次生的。 5.【电学】(产生)感应电流的;次级电流的。 6.【化学】仲的,次的;副的,二代的。 7.中等教育[学校]的。 8.【语言学】音次重音的。 9.间接的;非原始的。 Of the two contradictory aspects, one must be principal and the other secondary. 矛盾着的两方面中,必有一方面是主要的,他方面是次要的。 a secondary cause 副因。 secondary action 副作用。 a secondary product 副产物。 the S- strata 【地质学;地理学】中世层。 be of secondary importance 不大重要。 n. 1.助手;副手;帮手;代理人;被委任者;次要的人;次要的东西。 2.【天文学】双星中较小较暗的一个;卫星。 3.副低气压。 4.【电学】次级[二次]绕组[线圈]。 5.【动物;动物学】(鸟的)次级飞羽;腕羽;(昆虫的)后翅。 6.【地质学;地理学】中世代。 7.【语言学】次重音。
  • "a wall" 中文翻译 :    一堵墙
  • "in the wall" 中文翻译 :    在墙上(凹进去)
  • "of or on a wall" 中文翻译 :    墙壁的
  • "on the wall" 中文翻译 :    在流浪, 失业; 在墙上
  • "on wall" 中文翻译 :    在周壁上
  • "t-wall" 中文翻译 :    形防御墙
  • "the wall" 中文翻译 :    皇城救母定江山; 绝境长城; 迷墙; 这墙音乐艺文展演空间
  • "wall" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.墙壁;(石、砖等的)围墙;城墙。 2.(形状、用途)像墙壁的东西,障壁;土堤,堤防。 3.(矿井、容器的)内壁,壁面。 4.(路的)靠墙部分,沿墙。 a blank wall 没有装饰的墙壁;没有门、窗的墙壁。 the wall of the chest 【生理】胸壁。 the cell wall 【生物学】细胞壁。 (can) see through [into] a brick wall 怪有眼光,怪精明〔常作反语用〕。 drive [push, thrust] (sb.) to the wall 把(某人)逼至绝境。 give sb. the wall 把靠墙的路让给某人〔表示好感等〕。 go over the wall 〔美俚〕越狱。 go to the wall 陷入绝境;(事业)失败;被遗忘。 hang by the wall 被遗忘。 jump over the wall 舍弃教会[教职]。 run one's head against a wall 拿头去撞墙;一心要蛮干。 take the wall of sb. 不给某人让路;抢着出风头,抢先。 the Great W- of China 万里长城。 the W- 1. (把东、西柏林分开的)柏林墙。 2. = Wailing W-. with one's back to the wall 陷入绝境;以寡敌众;负隅(顽抗)。 within four walls 在房屋内。 vt. 筑墙[城]围住,筑城防御;筑墙堵塞(孔、口等) (up)。 a walled-in garden 有围墙的花园。 a walled city 〔美俚〕监狱。 adj. -less 没有围墙[城墙]的。 wall2 演戏般转动(眼睛)。
  • "wall in" 中文翻译 :    筑墙围住
  • "wall,the" 中文翻译 :    迷墙
  • "wall to wall" 中文翻译 :    遍地皆是; 墙到墙; 整个地板铺满
  • "wall-to-wall" 中文翻译 :    adj. 铺满地板的(地毯)。
  • "secondary xylem; secondary wood" 中文翻译 :    次生木质部


  • Lignin is a characteristic component of secondary walls .
  • Light microscopy has also been useful in studies on the secondary wall of the cotton fiber .
  • It may develop by thickening of the secondary walls of parenchyma cells , or it may arise directly from meristematic cells
  • The bump height and secondary wall - impingement distance were discovered to play an important role in producing a secondary space jet , reducing the quantity of fuel stuck on the wall and forming lean mixture , and their suitable values being 1 . 0 - 1 . 5mm and 0 - 2 . 0mm respectively
    发现bump高度及二次撞壁距离对撞壁油束形成二次空间射流、减少壁面燃油堆积以及形成稀混合气有重要作用,且发现bump的高度和二次撞壁距离分别为1 . 0 1 . 5mm和0 2 . 0mm比较合适。
  • Moreover , the secondary wall - impingement distance should be properly reduced in order that the bump play a part in the formation of lean mixture with the increase of environmental pressure or density owing to both the increase of air entrainment , momentum losses and the decrease of the spray tip velocity and penetration
  • In this review , the present status of the molecular and physiological mechanism of the differentiation and development of cotton fiber is discussed , in which the molecular and physiological mechanism of the producing of the cell turgor , loosening of the cell wall , synthesis of the composition molecules and their incorporation into cell wall , signal of the starting of secondary wall thickening , cellulose biosynthesis , and layout of cellulose microfibril regulated by cytoskeleton are introduced in detail
  • Occurred through giant panda s alimentary canal . the cell wall became thinner , and the rupture and loss of primary and secondary wall was observed . therefore , it showed that giant panda has the ability to digest part of components of cell wall , such as pectin and semicellulose , etc . furthermore , it is possible that giant panda can digest a little cellulose . the morphological method used in this study is a new idea for nutrition research . the ability of utilization of cell wall of bamboo by giant panda is unique in carnivore . it is adaptation to its phytophage
    Sp .笋细胞壁的利用状况,利用石蜡切片半薄切片和超薄切片技术,通过光镜和透射电子显微镜观察,对比研究野生大熊猫食物和粪便中的松花竹笋细胞壁的形态。发现竹笋经过大熊猫的消化后,其细胞壁在形态上有明显的变化,薄壁细胞细胞壁变薄,厚壁细胞初生壁和次生壁都有部分消失缺损或扭曲。
  • These results indicated that chemical treatments may cleavage the linkages between lignin and polysaccharides , and between monomers of lignin , which results in the decrease of compositions of lignin in primary and secondary wall of rice straw , and hence increases the degradation rate of secondary wall and degree of primary wall degradation observed under histological investigation
用"secondary wall"造句  


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